2 Simple Steps to Help Discover Your Purpose

Your values can be a useful compass to help you further uncover your purpose. Your values are those things that are most important to you. When you define your values in each area of your life, you further define your vision and discover powerful goals and insights that help you to live in alignment with your purpose.

The My Purpose Framework is divided into different Areas of Focus, depending on the edition that you’re using. These areas are located near the front of your My Purpose Planner & Journal, regardless of your edition. To help discover or further define your purpose, turn to your Areas of Focus and complete the following activity for each area.

  1. Journal your answer to the following question in the Area of Focus that you’re turned to: What do I care about in this area of my life?
  2. Review your list of things you journaled that your care about in that particular area. Now journal your answers to the following question: What am I willing to do about these things that I care about? How can I include this into my life’s plan more often?

Take some time and do this for each Area of Focus in your My Purpose Journal & Planner. As you examine your values in each Area of Focus, you’ll discover goals you can set that will help you to live your life with powerful purpose.

As you become equipped with the insight you need to start coming up with ideas for how you can include these values into your life more often, you start to identify strategies. These strategies are powerful ideas that help to drive your life’s purpose. With your strategies drafted, you can begin to identify the actions that will allow you to make progress on your goals.

This approach helps you to connect with your purpose and identify goals and actions that will empower you to live in alignment with your purpose. While it’s important and powerful to know what matters to you, and even identify some ways that you can live into your purpose, it’s even more important to act on this insight. Design your life in a way that you’ll be able to take action on the inspiration that you get. Taking action isn’t a one-time thing. It’s a commitment to act in ways that are in alignment with your values, helping you to live a life of purpose.

Revisit this activity if you need to and recommit yourself over and over to your purpose. Create momentum by continuing to act in ways that reinforce your values. You’ll find power and confidence as you do.

You’ve got this.