Using Journey Based Outcomes to Embrace Growth

In the My Purpose framework, which uses Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Actions, we typically think of objectives as markers along the way towards our goals. It seems natural to set objectives that are a percentage towards what we think is the final outcome, which is really another objective on our way towards living into our goals. These objectives are called outcome-based objectives, and focus on results.

These outcome-based objectives are not bad. – there are certainly instances where they are useful. However, there are other types of objectives called journey-based or process-based objectives. These objectives focus on the process of attaining a goal, rather than results. Setting and living into journey-based objectives can be a powerful tool for living a life of purpose.

Journey-based objectives are not focused on the achievement of a single, measurable objective. Rather, they place more emphasis on the process, and on the lessons learned along the way. Let’s look at an example of focusing on a journey-based objectives rather than outcome-based objectives.


In this example, your goal is to be healthy. This is a compass direction, guiding you towards a direction that you can set objectives in along the way. It’s tempting to set outcome-based objectives for this goal. For example, you may want to lose a certain number of pounds, run a distance within a certain time or lift a certain amount of weight. These are all valid outcome-based objectives.

You can instead focus on the process of living into your goal, and not just the outcomes. When you focus on journey-based objectives, you set different objectives. For example, you might focus on making to the gym 5 days a week, getting 7 hours of sleep a night, eating healthier, or meditating everyday. These objectives, while still measurable, are based more on the process of living into your goals.

Focus on Personal Growth

Journey-based objectives allow you to focus on your personal growth. They prioritize your personal development. The focus is on the skills acquired, insights gained, and self-confidence. Journey-based objectives allow you to focus on progress and learning throughout the process, not solely on specific outcomes.

Adaptation and Continuous Improvement

These objectives are focused on continuous improvement and adaptation. The path to success is not always linear, and adjustments need to be made along the way. When you focus solely on outcomes and results, you can become frustrated. Instead, you can measure your success based on how your objectives are performing along the way of living into your goal. This allows for experimentation, learning from failures, and finding new strategies to help you along your journey.

Embrace the Process

Journey-based objectives focus on the process. They encourage you to embrace the process and view challenges, setbacks, and failures as part of the journey and opportunities for growth, and not as impediments to your success. They emphasize your development of resilience, grit, optimism, and problem-solving skills.

Encourage Self-Reflection

They encourage self-reflection. By emphasizing the journey, it’s easier to reflect on what’s working and what’s not. It’s more natural to reflect on the journey, not your failures. This will help lead to new insights and personal growth along the way. You’ll learn new strengths and find your areas for improvement. This process will foster personal development. Having a journal to reflect on your progress and experiences can be a useful tool to capture feelings, insights, and record milestones.

Sustainable Motivation

You’ll experience sustainable motivation. Journey-based objectives can provide sustainable motivation as you experience fulfillment from the process itself. You won’t rely solely on the sense of achievement from achieving results and outcomes. You’ll gain fulfillment in the process, recognize progress in new ways, and find joy in the process. Rather than focusing on not achieving a result and being frustrated, you’ll find that focusing on the journey will help you to maintain motivation and dedication.

Focusing on intrinsic motivation will help you to sustain your motivation. Intrinsic motivation is related to the things that are important to you that aren’t driven by the thoughts of the world around you. Extrinsic motivation is driven by attaining rewards such as wealth, fame, and recognition. Extrinsic motivators are based on comparison, are never-ending. Focusing on intrinsic objectives by finding fulfillment through the process will provide you with more sustainable motivation. Focusing on extrinsic objectives can be discouraging, as most extrinsic motivators that are perpetually out of reach.

Creativity and Innovation

Focusing on journey-based outcomes will promote creativity and innovation. When you explore different paths to a goal by focusing on different outcomes, you find yourself embracing new perspectives and gaining new insight. This can lead to different strategies and approaches to challenges. You’ll also uncover some of the strategies that may not be working, and find new ways to adapt. This is where you find what works for you, rather than focusing on what others have said works for them.

A Holistic Approach

Your personal growth is not limited to the achievement of outcome-based objectives. By setting objectives that are journey or process-based, you’ll find that this holistic approach aids in your self development, leading to more growth than the simple attainment of a result. You’ll be able to address your mindset, well-being, and your experience of living your purpose.


While outcome-based objectives can be useful in some contexts, journey-based objectives offer a different perspective that values your process, personal growth, and well-being. Journey-based objectives can promote a more fulfilling experience of living into your goals and living your purpose. They can be the fuel for a more sustainable approach to goal setting, learning, and personal development.