Action: A Key Component to Manifestation

Manifestation. The word is thrown around like it’s a mystical power that will deliver you what you want just by thinking really hard about it. A core step of manifestation is visualization – thinking deeply and with intent about something you desire. But, in order to actually manifest that visualization you must take aligned action on your visualization. Manifestation requires more than just thinking, it requires aligned action.


Taking time each morning to imagine your future, along with specific relevant details such as who you’re with, where you’re at, what you’re doing, how it feels, what it sounds like, what it feels like, what it looks like, and even what it smells like, is an important part of manifestation. In addition to visualizing these details, feeling the emotions tied to this future – gratitude, joy, fulfillment, and purpose – is also essential. However, you don’t just think about these emotions; instead, you allow them to penetrate your mind, body, and soul.As you spend time visualizing your future, allow it to all settle within you to the point that you can sense that future in the moment.

Genuine Transformation

Having an understanding of your core values, your vision, and your blue sky – you are no longer attempting to manifest a future based on others’ values or from a place of lacking. Manifestation of your vision becomes part of your daily life, drawing from the deep well within. With this deeper understanding, manifestation becomes a reflection of your genuine self and reflects what’s truly important to you. This work of manifestation is really about finding and living your purpose. It’s not merely about dreaming about what you would do with more money or being in a relationship.

In an episode of The Chase Jarvis LIVE Show, Dr. James R. Doty delves into the neuroscience behind manifestation. It’s worth a listen if you’re interested in learning more about true manifestation.

Take Action

With your visualization and settlement within, you must take aligned, intentional action. What actions would you be taking in this idealized future from this genuine position? What habits does this version of you in this idealized future have? Make room for those actions. Plan your days with purpose and intent, aligned with your vision.

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