Tag: <span>physical and emotional health</span>


Less Struggle: Set Healthy Goals That Motivate and Empower

Setting goals is a common practice, especially when it comes to physical fitness. Often, these goals aren’t just about physical outcomes – they’re also tied to mental and emotional well-being. We want to feel better, so we set physical goals. At first glance, this seems harmless, even beneficial. However, there are risks and potential side effects to goal setting that can lead to negative outcomes. To truly benefit from physical goals, it’s essential to consider mental health as part of the process.

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Action: A Key Component to Manifestation

Manifestation. The word is thrown around like it’s a mystical power that will deliver you what you want just by thinking really hard about it. A core step of manifestation is visualization – thinking deeply and with intent about something you desire. But, in order to actually manifest that visualization you must take aligned action on your visualization. Manifestation requires more than just thinking, it requires aligned action.

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Unlocking Your Potential Using the Results Sequence

Do you feel like you’re not living into your potential? Are you lacking the results that you think you should be seeing? Why do some people seem to be able to achieve their goals while others struggle? One potential reason lies in the results sequence: Insight, Motivation, Action, Consistency, & Results. Let’s dive into these areas in a little more detail and discuss how they relate.

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Using Journey Based Outcomes to Embrace Growth

In the My Purpose framework, which uses Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Actions, we typically think of objectives as markers along the way towards our goals. It seems natural to set objectives that are a percentage towards what we think is the final outcome, which is really another objective on our way towards living into our goals. These objectives are called outcome-based objectives, and focus on results.

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