Writing Prompt – Clarity

This week’s writing prompt is about clarity. When you have clarity, you are clear on more than what your goals are. When you have clarity, you can set your goals better and supercharge how you achieve them. Having clarity is like having a super power! Take some time this week and write about your clarity. Ask yourself these questions… What are you working on? Do you have clarity on what you’re working on? How can you gain more clarity? What are you seeking clarity on?

When we’re clear on something, we are able to clear the things around it away. It means not choosing other things. It means not spending time on other things. It means not spending time worrying about other things. Having clarity means clearing away the clutter so you can see more clearly what you’re looking at. Clarity provides you with extra focus.

Let’s look at an example. Let’s say you’re setting a goal to get stronger. You have to not only have the goal of getting stronger, but you have to also understand why you want to get stronger. Why do you want to get stronger? This is called having a compelling “why?” This is important, but it’s also not the end. Having a compelling “why” doesn’t provide ultimate clarity. Understanding then “what” and “why” is important, but so are the “how”, “when”, and “where” of your goal. When you understand these, you’ll have more clarity about what you’re doing. Why are you working out? How will you work out? When will you work out? Where will you work out? Having a greater understanding of these commitments will help you to have further clarity about what you want to do, and who you want to be.

Complete clarity also comes through action, not just planning. It’s important to journal about your goals to gain clarity up front. This will help you to identify hurdles, and to anticipate problems that may come up. True and complete clarity is revealed through action. As you act, you’ll find new challenges, new passions, and you’ll gain new understanding. To really understand something and to gain true clarity on it, you have to act on it.

This week during your journaling, also write about what you’ve already taken action on. What things do you already do, all the time? You already have clarity on those subjects. Not only will you learn about clarity, but you’ll learn that your action has already provided you with clarity on something that you may have already overlooked, and you just might find something that you’ve been missing.