Writing Prompt – Who Do You Look Up To…

This week’s writing prompt is gonna make you think about who you look up to, and why.

Start by writing down the names of about 5 people you look up to. They could be teachers, musicians, artists, parents, athletes, or anybody else. Once you have those names written down, think about the things about each of them that you admire most.

Write down the traits that you admire for each person.

Now look at the traits that you wrote down. Are there overlapping traits or themes between them? Now write about those traits. Why do you admire them? What about these traits is important to you?

Once you’ve done that, you can journal about how you can emulate those traits in your own life. How can you incorporate those things that you admire most into your own life.

Chances are that the people that you look up to and people that are successful doing what they love designed their life to be a certain way. They made decisions that helped define their life in a way that allowed them to build the success that you admire. You can listen to a great podcast episode by Chase Jarvis where he talks about how successful achieve their vision.

Take a few moments to think about who you look up to, and be curious about why you do. Then think about how you can incorporate those things that you uncover into your own life, so that you can design the life you love.